Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Left handed roller skater?

Is it true that people that are left handed can't roller skate as good. I'm sure some left handed people can, but is it harder for them. If so, why? Most left handed people i know can't.

Left handed roller skater?
um i've never heard of something like that..yeah there is the thing where leftys use the right side of the brain and rightys use the left but still i dont think that affects how you roller skate....its more a matter of practice and effort...i used to skate all the time and im a lefty
Reply:No, it isn't true. People make up stuff like that because their aren't as many lefties, than as rightys. I heard this one thing that people were saying. They said that if you are a lefty, you will die sooner than rightys. I thought that was retarded. Some nuns believe that if you are a lefty, you have demons inside of you.

It's not true!! Also, I roller skate really well and I am a lefty.
Reply:no im left handed and a pretty good rollerskater
Reply:I don't think it matters, personally. I have, however, heard about some competitive skaters who are left-handed that rotate the opposite way on jumps because they feel that it is easier for them. To be a good skater, all you have to do is practice!


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